Title: Declining up: Apple's slow slide to success Post by: HCK on April 05, 2015, 03:00:11 am Declining up: Apple's slow slide to success
<article> <section class="page"> <p> Before we begin with today’s deconstruction, the Macalope must warn you that children, pregnant women, men and others with sensitive natures may find the arguments presented today to be disturbing and ulcer-causing. Reader discretion is advised.</p><p> Writing for the Forbes contributor network and small animal rodeo, Peter Cohan continues to be Peter Cohan.</p><p> ”Stanford Lecturer On Apple’s Innovation Drought” (http://www.donotlink.com/edz5)</p><p> Not cool using the D-word about a company in California, bro.</p>
<p> Well, it had a good run.</p><p> Wait, what?</p> url=http://www.macworld.com/article/2905858/declining-up-apples-slow-slide-to-success.html#tk.rss_all]Declining up: Apple's slow slide to success[/url] |