Title: Minecraft Pocket Edition for iOS updated w/ skins, fishing, and much more Post by: HCK on May 27, 2015, 09:00:18 am Minecraft Pocket Edition for iOS updated w/ skins, fishing, and much more
Mojang today announced a huge update to its popular Minecraft Pocket Edition app for iPhone and iPad. The big focus of the update is access to new free and paid skins for characters (as pictured above): Skins are the way you change the appearance of your Minecraft character. Instead of looking like Alex or Steve, you […]<img alt="" border="0" src="(http://pixel.wp.com/b.gif)?host=9to5mac.com&blog=22754319&post=381492&subd=9to5mac&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> Source: Minecraft Pocket Edition for iOS updated w/ skins, fishing, and much more (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/9To5Mac-MacAllDay/~3/Bos1QxGY_bw/) |