Title: Apple TV will serve as hub for remotely controlling HomeKit devices Post by: HCK on June 05, 2015, 09:00:12 am Apple TV will serve as hub for remotely controlling HomeKit devices
<article> <section class="page"> <p>People looking to control their HomeKit-compatible devices when they’re away from home will need an Apple TV to complete those tasks, Apple confirmed in a support page for its smart home platform.</p><p>Via a third-generation or later Apple TV running at least software version 7.0, iOS devices can be used to remotely control HomeKit-compatible products (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204893).</p><p>As long as the same Apple ID is used to log in to the iOS device and Apple TV, people can speak commands to Siri to control HomeKit-compatible products. For example, people can ask Siri to turn off a light or set a thermostat to a certain temperature. However, Siri commands can’t be used to unlock doors, and users may need to unlock their iOS device to use Siri with some HomeKit appliances.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2931252/apple-tv-will-serve-as-hub-for-remotely-controlling-homekit-devices.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article> Source: Apple TV will serve as hub for remotely controlling HomeKit devices (http://www.macworld.com/article/2931252/apple-tv-will-serve-as-hub-for-remotely-controlling-homekit-devices.html#tk.rss_all) |