Title: Apple Watch app creators will be able to put in more native features Post by: HCK on June 08, 2015, 09:00:23 pm Apple Watch app creators will be able to put in more native features
<div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><p class="intro">Future Apple Watch apps will be able to run features natively, without the need for a linked iPhone device.</p> <p><a href='http://www.imore.com/apple-watch-app-creators-will-be-able-put-more-native-features' title="Apple Watch app creators will be able to put in more native features"><img src='(http://www.imore.com/sites/imore.com/files/styles/large/public/field/image/2015/06/apple-watch-video.jpg)?itok=wMnWgoFX' />[/url]</p> <p><a href="http://www.imore.com/wwdc-2015" alt="WWDC 2015"><img src="(http://admin.imore.com/sites/imore.com/files/field/image/2015/06/wwdc2015badge2.jpg)" class="badge-left" width="150" height="150" />[/url]</p> <p>During Apple's WWDC 2015 (http://www.imore.com/wwdc-2015) keynote event today, the company showed how developers will be able create apps for the Apple Watch (http://www.imore.com/apple-watch) with more native features, thanks to watchOS2 (http://www.imore.com/apple-announces-watchos-2-native-apps-more-friends-smarter-siri).<!--break--> Apple says that native app features will works without an iPhone, and will connect to known Wi-Fi networks. The apps will be able to use the Apple Watch's microphone and speaker support. It will support playing short videos, along with HealthKit access. For example, users will be able to see their heart rate zone in the Strava app.</p> <p>Apple Watch apps will be able to use accelerometer data to record things like a golf swing. They will be able to access to the taptic engine with "a range of different feelings" and sounds. The digital crown can be used for UI manipulation. Developers can start accessing the tools to make Apple Watch native apps today, and they should first become available later to the public this fall.</p> <div class="devicebox"> <h3>WWDC 2015 (http://www.imore.com/wwdc-2015)</h3> <p><img src="(http://www.imore.com/sites/imore.com/files/field/image/2015/06/wwdc2015box.jpg)" alt="WWDC 2015" /></p> <ul><li>WWDC 2015 hub (http://www.imore.com/wwdc-2015)</li> <li>iOS 9 hub (http://www.imore.com/ios-9)</li> <li>OS X 10.11 hub (http://www.imore.com/os-x-1011)</li> <li>Apple Watch hub (http://www.imore.com/apple-watch)</li> <li>Swift hub (http://www.imore.com/swift)</li> <li>Discussion forums (http://forums.imore.com/)</li> </ul></div> <div> <style> <!--/*--><![CDATA[/* ><!--*/ <!--/*--><![CDATA[/* ><!--*/ <!--/*--><![CDATA[/* ><!--*/ .devicebox { background-color: #5CB8DB; border: 1px solid #E2E9EB; float: right; display: block; margin: 0 0px 10px 10px; max-width: 350px; overflow: hidden; width: 50%; } .devicebox h3 { background: #8D98BD; font-family: "camptonmedium",sans-serif; 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