Title: News: Elton John, Pharrell, Dr. Dre, Drake, St. Vincent, others to host Beats 1 shows Post by: HCK on June 26, 2015, 03:00:25 am News: Elton John, Pharrell, Dr. Dre, Drake, St. Vincent, others to host Beats 1 shows
A profile of Zane Lowe — the influential radio DJ hired to be one of the top “creative minds” behind Apple Music’s Beats 1 — has also revealed a number of high-profile musicians who will be hosting their own shows on the Internet radio station. The New York Times reports Elton John will host “Elton John’s Rocket Hour,” and Dr. Dre will host “The Pharmacy.” Other Beats 1 hosts will include Drake and… Source: News: Elton John, Pharrell, Dr. Dre, Drake, St. Vincent, others to host Beats 1 shows (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/elton-john-pharrell-dr.-dre-drake-st.-vincent-others-to-host-beats-1-shows) |