Title: 20 Years Later, Windows 95 Launch Brings Tears of Nostalgia - and Hilarity Post by: HCK on August 25, 2015, 09:00:17 am 20 Years Later, Windows 95 Launch Brings Tears of Nostalgia - and Hilarity
Twenty years ago Monday, Bill Gates officially released Windows 95, ushering in a new era. The OS featured a graphical user interface, along with a task bar and multitasking support, and it introduced the now-iconic Start button to launch applications. Those Windows 95 features made using a PC a whole lot easier. The launch also was notable for turning a software release into a major media event. Source: 20 Years Later, Windows 95 Launch Brings Tears of Nostalgia - and Hilarity (http://www.technewsworld.com/story/82413.html?rss=1) |