Title: Spigen’s new iPhone 6s cases are perfect day 1 protectors, properly fitting thicker iPhones Post by: HCK on September 03, 2015, 09:00:20 pm Spigen’s new iPhone 6s cases are perfect day 1 protectors, properly fitting thicker iPhones
Most iPhone owners use cases. They’re the easiest way to keep your device looking and feeling new, even if you accidentally drop your iPhone, or keep it in a pocket or bag with other items. But when Apple releases new iPhones, it can be hard to find a case on day one (or even week one) that’s guaranteed to fit, […]<img alt="" border="0" src="(http://pixel.wp.com/b.gif)?host=9to5mac.com&blog=22754319&post=395351&subd=9to5mac&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> Source: Spigen’s new iPhone 6s cases are perfect day 1 protectors, properly fitting thicker iPhones (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/9To5Mac-MacAllDay/~3/M3HE09Sedts/) |