Title: Apps: 1Password, Dropbox, The Earth by Tinybop, IMDb, OpenTable, Pocket Post by: HCK on September 19, 2015, 03:00:23 am Apps: 1Password, Dropbox, The Earth by Tinybop, IMDb, OpenTable, Pocket
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/theearth.jpg)" /> Following every major new iOS update comes a series of updates to popular apps taking advantage of new developer APIs and other integration features, and iOS 9 is no exception, with new Spotlight Search and deep linking that now lets you search inside third-party apps right from the global search screen. We also checked out a cool new kids app from Tinybop that’s ready for iOS 9. 1Password (free) — The password manager gets an extreme makeover,… Source: Apps: 1Password, Dropbox, The Earth by Tinybop, IMDb, OpenTable, Pocket (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/apps/entry/1password-dropbox-imdb-opentable-pocket) |