Title: Leaked images showcase the iPhone 6s packaging, Rose Gold iPhone in the wild Post by: HCK on September 19, 2015, 03:00:26 pm Leaked images showcase the iPhone 6s packaging, Rose Gold iPhone in the wild
Before Apple got on stage and announced the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, less-than-stellar images of the new phones’ packaging managed to find their way online. Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span> (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2015/09/iphone-6s-packaging-live-leak.html)<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/iphonehacks/~4/HMACULvEpy0" height="1" width="1" alt=""/> Source: Leaked images showcase the iPhone 6s packaging, Rose Gold iPhone in the wild (http://feeds.iphonehacks.com/~r/iphonehacks/~3/HMACULvEpy0/iphone-6s-packaging-live-leak.html) |