Title: Tip of the Day: Saving and Sharing Visual Voicemail Messages Post by: HCK on October 16, 2015, 03:00:24 am Tip of the Day: Saving and Sharing Visual Voicemail Messages
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/articles/tips/tip-20151015-1.jpg)" /> When Apple debuted Visual Voicemail on the original iPhone in 2007, it introduced a whole new way to deal with voicemail messages, making the process about as seamless as working through an email inbox. Now iOS 9 takes these capabilities a step further, allowing you to not only browse through and listen to your messages, but to easily save and share them right from the Phone app. When viewing your voicemail messages on your iPhone, you’ll see… Source: Tip of the Day: Saving and Sharing Visual Voicemail Messages (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/tips/comments/saving-and-sharing-visual-voicemail-messages) |