Title: Tip of the Day: Using a Passcode for Purchases on the Apple TV Post by: HCK on December 02, 2015, 03:00:28 am Tip of the Day: Using a Passcode for Purchases on the Apple TV
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/articles/tips/tip-20151201-1.jpg)" /> The lack of external keyboard and iOS Remote app support on the new Apple TV can seemingly make it burdensome to protect your iTunes Store account from unauthorized purchases — it’s easy to assume that you have to choose between either “swiping-and-tapping” in your entire iTunes Store password with every purchase or allowing the Apple TV to remember your password and let anybody with the remote in hand buy whatever they’d… Source: Tip of the Day: Using a Passcode for Purchases on the Apple TV (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/tips/comments/using-a-passcode-for-purchases-on-the-apple-tv) |