Title: Tip of the Day: Customizing the appearance of Subtitles on the Apple TV Post by: HCK on December 04, 2015, 03:00:26 am Tip of the Day: Customizing the appearance of Subtitles on the Apple TV
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/articles/tips/tip-20151203-1.jpg)" /> Did you know you can change the appearance of your subtitles on your Apple TV? While the ability to do this isn’t entirely new — it first came to the second- and third-generation Apple TV models two years ago — users of the new fourth-generation Apple TV may find it particularly useful now that subtitles are more readily available via Siri commands like “What did he just say?” ... Source: Tip of the Day: Customizing the appearance of Subtitles on the Apple TV (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/tips/comments/customizing-the-appearance-of-subtitles-on-the-apple-tv) |