Title: Airplane Mode's 'Amsterdam' goes beyond the music Post by: HCK on February 20, 2016, 09:00:21 pm Airplane Mode's 'Amsterdam' goes beyond the music
State of the art of art. Airplane Mode, the group that includes well-known iOS designers — and past iMore contributors — Dave Wiskus and Joe Cieplinski, along with Anna Stefanic and Patrick Spencer, released their debut EP last week. What makes "Amsterdam" so interesting and cool from an Apple-perspective is the muti-faceted, multi-media way in which the group handled the release — music, ebook, podcast, and app. It was modern and relevant in a way the greater industry still struggles to be. Here's the gist: We have a new record out called "Amsterdam". It's a four-song EP about the time I moved to Amsterdam for a girl I liked. But there's a little more to it than that. "Amsterdam" is available on iTunes and Spotify and Amazon. We're also trying a new medium: iBooks. The book contains the same four studio tracks as the EP, but a new format allows us to go further; every song is a chapter, with the music, lyrics sheet, original demo, and stories that inspired the ...<br clear='all'/> <a href="http://rc.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/rc/1/rc.htm" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://rc.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/rc/1/rc.img" border="0"/>[/url] <a href="http://rc.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/rc/2/rc.htm" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://rc.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/rc/2/rc.img" border="0"/>[/url] <a href="http://rc.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/rc/3/rc.htm" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://rc.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/rc/3/rc.img" border="0"/>[/url] <img src="http://da.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/a2.img" border="0"/> (http://da.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/a2.htm)<img width="1" height="1" src="http://pi.feedsportal.com/r/247392202974/u/49/f/616881/c/33998/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/a2t.img" border="0"/><img width='1' height='1' src='(http://tipb.com.feedsportal.com/c/33998/f/616881/s/4dbabd8f/sc/28/mf.gif)' border='0'/> Source: Airplane Mode's 'Amsterdam' goes beyond the music (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/_qkBlH47qwY/story01.htm) |