Title: Mac: Metaclassy Byword Post by: HCK on April 23, 2016, 04:05:24 pm Mac: Metaclassy Byword
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/mac/metaclassy/byword-1.jpg)" /> Users who do a lot of long-from writing on their Macs, especially in Markdown, will appreciate what Metaclassy’s Byword ($12) brings to the table. Recently updated for El Capitan, this popular Markdown text editor provides a simple and efficient way to author posts in a clean, distraction-free user interface. Although Byword can be used for editing any types of text files, and even crafting HTML pages, where the app really shines is in its Markdown features, with support for footnotes, tables, and cross-references along with live syntax highlighting and previewing as you type and the ability to export the resulting rich-text document to HTML or PDF. Source: Mac: Metaclassy Byword (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/mac/comments/metaclassy-byword) |