Title: Best Stands for your MacBook Post by: HCK on March 04, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Best Stands for your MacBook
What are the best stands for my MacBook and MacBook Pro? Your MacBook is a beautiful, powerful piece of tech, and therefore, it wouldn't be too inappropriately to literally put it on a pedestal from time-to-time. Of course, a stand for your MacBook is a bit more than a tool to show off your toy: stands can optimize space, reduce desk clutter, protect your MacBook from the spills and uncertainty of your desk, help with storage, or even just add to the overall aesthetic of your office, depending on the style you pick up. While there are dozens of MacBook and MacBook pro stands available out there, not all of them give you the most bang for your buck. Luckily for you, we rounded up the best of the best, and put 'em here for you! Here are the best stands available for your MacBook (and here are the best USB-C Hubs for your MacBook Pro, while we're at it!) mStand by Rain Design Steklo X-Stand for MacBook Twelve South BookArc vertical stand Walnut Laptop Stand Rain Design mTower Wal... Source: Best Stands for your MacBook (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/vP2NemzKBEI/best-stands-your-macbook) |