Title: Wired vs Wireless: Which headphones should you get? Post by: HCK on May 25, 2017, 04:05:21 pm Wired vs Wireless: Which headphones should you get?
Should you ditch the wires or stick with the old faithful? A good pair of headphones will last you years if you take care of them properly, so you want to make sure you invest in the right type. One of the biggest questions people think of when buying a new pair of headphones is whether or not to go with wireless Bluetooth or stick with a wired pair. Both options have merit, and depending on how you intend to use your headphones, one or the other may be better suited to your needs. I have used several pairs of both wired and wireless headphones and will walk you through a few of the big pros and cons of each to help you make a well-informed decision. Sound Quality The difference in sound quality between Bluetooth headphones and wired headphones has lessened over time; however, some diehard audiophiles still believe a wired connection sounds more "authetic" than a Bluetooth connection. It is true that Bluetooth can only handle so much information across it's signal, and that is... Source: Wired vs Wireless: Which headphones should you get? (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/1ihLd4L5Q7M/wired-vs-wireless-which-headphones-should-you-get) |