Title: Speed up your home Wi-Fi with discounts on select TP-Link gear today only Post by: HCK on June 10, 2017, 04:05:22 pm Speed up your home Wi-Fi with discounts on select TP-Link gear today only
Our friends at Thrifter are back again, this time helping you make your Wi-Fi faster for less! If you've been looking for some new networking gear, you'll want to check out Amazon's Deal of the Day which discounts a variety of TP-Link's products. From gigabit Ethernet switches to network extenders and Wi-Fi routers to cable modems, there is a deal here for just about everyone. With these prices, today is a great day to stop renting your existing modem from your ISP. Most cable companies charge around $10 per month to rent the modem from them, and today you can have your own for as little as $70 (which means it pays for itself in just 7 months!). Some of the best deals include: TP-Link TC-7650-E Cable Modem – $69.99 (normally $99.99) TP-Link AV1200 Gigabit Powerline Adapter – $47.99 (normally $69.99) TP-Link AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender – $31.99 (normally $59.99) TP-Link AD7200 Wi-Fi Tri-Band Gigabit Router – $269.99 (normally $349.99) TP-Link 5-Port Gigabit... Source: Speed up your home Wi-Fi with discounts on select TP-Link gear today only (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/yJdZKoXFPWI/thrifter-deal-speed-your-home-wi-fi-discounts-select-tp-link-gear-today-only) |