Title: News: Daily Deal: SKEYE Nano 2 FPV Drone Post by: HCK on November 09, 2017, 04:05:26 pm News: Daily Deal: SKEYE Nano 2 FPV Drone
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/deals/ilounge-deals-skeye-nano-2-drone.jpg)" /> Today in iLounge Deals, we’re offering the SKEYE Nano 2 FPV Drone for only $64 — that’s 35% off the regular price. This shockingly agile and tiny flying machine allows you to perform cool airborne stunts like figure eights, banking turns, flips, and more, both indoors and out, and the HD, Wi-Fi controlled camera lets you record incredible real-time first-person video. Further, the on-board Wi-Fi means you can use your iPhone or iPad… Source: News: Daily Deal: SKEYE Nano 2 FPV Drone (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/daily-deal-skeye-nano-2-fpv-drone) |