Title: News: Report: Some iOS games using microphone to track users’ TV habits Post by: HCK on January 03, 2018, 04:05:21 pm News: Report: Some iOS games using microphone to track users’ TV habits
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/Alphonso.jpg)" /> Games like Pool 3D, Beer Pong:Trickshot, and Real Bowling Strike:10 Pin found on the App Store could be tracking users’ TV viewing habits even when they’re not being played, The New York Times reports. The apps are all built using software from Alphonso, a start-up that specializes in collecting data on TV viewing for advertisers. Even when the apps aren’t in use, Alphonso’s software can potentially use a smartphone’s… Source: News: Report: Some iOS games using microphone to track users’ TV habits (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/report-some-ios-games-using-microphone-to-track-users-tv-habits) |