Title: How to hide your ex in the Photos app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac Post by: HCK on January 11, 2018, 04:05:17 pm How to hide your ex in the Photos app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
BOY (or girl) BYE: Here's how to hide your ex's dumb face from all of your photos. Let's be honest: breakups suck. Like, they really, really suck. Recently my boyfriend and I of six years went our separate ways (to quote Queen Beyoncé, "BOY, BYE") and I spent a good chunk of time crying and eating chocolate in between packing up boxes at my apartment. But you know what else I spent a lot of time doing? Deleting and hiding pictures of my ex's dumb, stupid face on my iPhone's Camera Roll and my MacBook's Photos. Now I say "NO MORE TORTURE: there's got to be a better way than scrolling through every single image and manually erasing that colossal POS from your life!" And there is! Here's how you can hide your putrid ex in the Photos app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac #BOYBYE. How to hide your ex in Photos on iPhone and iPad How to hide your ex in Photos on Mac How to hide your ex in Photos on iPhone and iPad One thing that your iPhone and iPad does is search and compile ev... Source: How to hide your ex in the Photos app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/uqO1BvnU2Nk/how-hide-your-ex-photos-app-iphone-and-ipad-and-mac) |