Title: Pokemon Go: How to evolve Milotic, Dustox, Beautifly Post by: HCK on January 16, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Pokemon Go: How to evolve Milotic, Dustox, Beautifly
How do you evolve Feebas into Milotic or Wurmple into Cascoon and Dustox or Silcoon and Beautifly? Like this! Pokémon Go Gen 3 includes several split and special evolutions, like Wurmple, which can evolve into Cascoon or Silcoon — and then Dustox or Beautifly — and Milotic, which can evolve into Milotic — if you meet the right conditions. Here's how! How do you evolve Feebas into Milotic in Pokémon Go Milotic is a Water-type Pokémon, sometimes called the Gyarados. It evolves from Feebas, which is reminiscent of Magikarp. Unlike Gyarados and Magikarp candy, though, It doesn't take 400 Feebas candy to evolve Milotic. It only takes 100. But, it also takes Friendship. Friendship is a mechanic we saw in Pokémon Go Gen 2 where, in order to evolve an Eevee into Espeon or Umbreon, you had to make it your Buddy Pokémon and walk it for 10 KM. Feebas is similar. But in order to evolve it into Miltoic, you need to walk it 20 KM. Import... Source: Pokemon Go: How to evolve Milotic, Dustox, Beautifly (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/MO8csfTZRAs/pokemon-go-how-evolve-milotic-dustox-beautifly) |