Title: Game of the week: Meteorfall: Journey Post by: HCK on February 03, 2018, 04:05:20 pm Game of the week: Meteorfall: Journey
Deck-building made fun, easy, and accessible without compromising on strategy. Meteorfall: Journey is an absolute must-have game for your iPhone. You may not know this, but I'm a huge board game fan (or nerd if you prefer), and some of my favorite games to bring to the table are deck-building games. My affinity for deck-building probably comes from being a Magic: The Gathering player for years during my teens, but it also comes from my love of strategy. The problem with deck-building games is they can be so strategic that only hardcore gamers can really get into them. Meteorfall: Journey does something I have never seen before, which makes a deck-building game that's fun, easy to learn, challenging to master, and it's available on your iPhone or iPad. $2.99 Download Now Core gameplay When I tell you Meteorfall: Journey is a deck-building game, you probably think of collectible card games like Magic: The Gathering, The Elder Scrolls Legends, or Hearthstone, but that couldn't be... Source: Game of the week: Meteorfall: Journey (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Pqi35meMMNc/game-of-the-week) |