Title: HomePod in the age of Artificial Intelligence Post by: HCK on February 10, 2018, 04:05:18 pm HomePod in the age of Artificial Intelligence
One of the hottest trends of 2018 is going to be AI. It's baked into all the virtual assistants offered by Apple (Siri), Google (Google Assistant née OK Google), Microsoft (Cortana), Samsung (Bixby née Viv) and Amazon (Alexa). To be clear, while we currently have several artificial intelligence (AI) assistants on the market, and all of them succeed brilliantly at being artificial, none are particularly intelligent. Think of them more as idiot savants. They do a few things, and very few of them well. Everything else is a frustration of one kind or another, even for the most rudimentary tasks. Home court advantage Part of the value of these AIs is their availability. If I have to open an app, press a button, or unlock my phone, it's often not worth the trouble. That's why "Hey Siri" on iOS, "OK Google" on Android, and "Alexa" on Amazon devices work best. Saying "OK Google" on an iOS device isn't going to get you far. Likewise "OK Google" to an Echo. There are attemp... Source: HomePod in the age of Artificial Intelligence (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/sSCBndIzoVM/homepod-age-artificial-intelligence) |