Title: Go all-in on the Oscars with Apple News, Siri, and apps Post by: HCK on March 04, 2018, 04:05:19 pm Go all-in on the Oscars with Apple News, Siri, and apps
Apple makes it easy to not only follow the Oscars but maybe, one day, get into the Academy Award action yourself. It's Oscar time. The nominees for best picture, best actor, best screenplay, best editing, best score, best FX — you get the idea! — are all preparing their acceptance speeches and hoping beyond hope they get to bring the Academy Award home. And here's how you can follow along, and maybe even get into it all one day yourself! Apple News Apple News is offering a specially curated section all about the Oscars from now until March 5. You'll find everything you need to know to get up to speed with nominees, including predictions. There are also video interviews from EW's The Awardist and, during the show, there'll be a special hub in For You filled with memorable moments from the monologue to the acceptance speeches, to unexpected moments and memes. iTunes Movies If you haven't watched all the Oscar-nominated films or you simply want to watch them again, ... Source: Go all-in on the Oscars with Apple News, Siri, and apps (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/g0ufbyXL6gk/go-all-oscars-apple-news-siri-and-apps) |