Title: How to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad Post by: HCK on March 06, 2018, 04:05:21 pm How to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad
New to the Apple ecosystem? Your first step is to sign up for an Apple ID. An Apple ID makes it possible for you to download content from iTunes and the App Store. It also allows you to sync reminders, calendars, and contacts through iCloud, and activates FaceTime and iMessage across multiple devices. It's not mandatory to sign up for an Apple ID if you want to use an Apple device, but it is essential to getting the most out of your iPhone and iPad. Here's how you can create a new ID. How to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10.3 or later How to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10.2 and earlier How to sign out of iCloud on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10.3 or later How to sign out of iCloud on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10.2 and earlier How to sign in to iCloud with an existing Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10.3 or later How to sign in to iCloud with an existing Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad in iOS 10.2 and earlier How to create a new... Source: How to create a new Apple ID on your iPhone or iPad (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/IRxIuW3_iLU/how-create-new-apple-id-your-iphone-or-ipad) |