Title: News: Apple updates MFi program with with specs for new Lightning audio cable, USB-C port Post by: HCK on March 14, 2018, 04:05:22 pm News: Apple updates MFi program with with specs for new Lightning audio cable, USB-C port
(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/Lightning_to_3.5_male.jpg) Apple has added specifications for USB-C ports and a Lightning to 3.5mm output cable to its Made for iPhone/iPad/iPod licensing program, 9to5Mac reports. The update will allow third-party accessory makers to include USB-C charging receptacles in certified iOS and Mac accessories. Accessory makers can also now create a Lightning to 3.5mm connector to allow iOS devices to be plugged directly into an auxiliary port. Previously users would be forced to… Source: News: Apple updates MFi program with with specs for new Lightning audio cable, USB-C port (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-updates-mfi-program-with-with-specs-for-new-lightning-audio-cable-usb) |