Title: Best Keyboard Covers for MacBook Pro Post by: HCK on June 06, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Best Keyboard Covers for MacBook Pro
A single crumb no longer means death for your keyboard. If you have the 2016/2017 MacBook Pro, then chances are you've heard about just how temperamental the keyboard can be: CTL key stopped working on my 2016 MBP.I blame @derekakessler. But really Apple. But also @derekakessler BRB, going to pick up some compressed air. https://t.co/Ew1w2xzcEE— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) May 17, 2018 A single crumb under there could signal an end to your typing days, or, at the very least, a massive hiccup in productivity for a little while. If you want to maintain your MacBook Pro's keyboard integrity for years to come, then grab one of these keyboard covers and type comfortably — while nomming on the crumbliest cookies you can find. Uppercase GhostCover Mosiso cover Kuzy ultra thin cover DHZ transparent skin ProCase hard shell case and keyboard cover JRC keyboard skin Uppercase GhostCover Apart from having a sweet-ass name, the Uppercase GhostCover is a super thin option for kee... Source: Best Keyboard Covers for MacBook Pro (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/x12RCzCoFsI/best-keyboard-covers-macbook-pro) |