Title: These Ecovacs Robot Vacuums are heavily discounted for Prime members today only Post by: HCK on July 10, 2018, 04:05:21 pm These Ecovacs Robot Vacuums are heavily discounted for Prime members today only
"Alexa, clean my floors!" Update: The Deebot N79s is now down to $169.98, though it lacks some of the standout features that the two below offer. Amazon has a pair of great Ecovacs Deebot RoboVacs on sale as part of its Gold Box deals of the day. Both of the models are slightly different, and with just $20 separating the prices, it will come down to personal preference and what you need from the vacuum. The Deebot 901, which is down to $279.98 from an average price of around $400, has more premium features than the $259.98 Ozmo 601 does. The Deebot 901 is more of a Roomba competition than the Ozmo 601. It integrates with Amazon's Alexa, maps out your floor so you can view the cleanings in real-time using the app, has systematic path cleaning, protective sensors, and you can prevent it from going in certain areas if you wish. There's also a setting to have it resume cleaning after it charges, so if your area is larger than it can clean with its 100-minute runtime, it will head back... Source: These Ecovacs Robot Vacuums are heavily discounted for Prime members today only (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/F71ZR2YrTA0/these-ecovacs-robot-vacuums-are-heavily-discounted-prime-members-today-only) |