Title: Battleheart 2 for iOS review: A great sequel to a classic Post by: HCK on July 16, 2018, 04:05:23 pm Battleheart 2 for iOS review: A great sequel to a classic
Battleheart 2 is the sequel that fans deserve. iMore Score 4.5 Battleheart came out over seven years ago, but it remains one of my favorite iOS games of all time, and that's not an easy feat. I remember first downloading it when it came out, and I invested dozens of hours into the game — I was clearly addicted. Several years later, Battleheart Legacy came out, and while it had the same general feel, it just felt slightly off to me. It definitely didn't hook me like the first game, and it was somewhat forgettable compared to the original. But now Battleheart 2 is out, and it's rekindled my old flame with Mika Mobile. $3.99 - Download Now Story and setting Gameplay Multiplayer Controls Visual and audio design Story and setting Just like the first game, there's not much of a story going on in Battleheart 2. Ther... Source: Battleheart 2 for iOS review: A great sequel to a classic (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/s4itNwr5l5o/battleheart-2-review-great-sequel-classic) |