Title: Review: Wemo Mini Smart Plug with HomeKit support Post by: HCK on July 27, 2018, 04:05:32 pm Review: Wemo Mini Smart Plug with HomeKit support
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/reviews/belkin/wemo-mini-homekit/1.jpg)" /> Last week, Wemo surprised us with the news that it’s adding direct HomeKit support to some of its Wemo lineup of accessories, starting with the Wemo Mini smart plug. Although Belkin released a Wemo Bridge earlier this year, this new plan means that users of compatible Wemo devices will be able to take advantage of Apple HomeKit integration without the need to purchase any additional hardware. While HomeKit support has been a long-time coming — especially considering Wemo was one of the first smart home accessory makers to embrace Apple years ago — we’re not only happy to see it here, but absolutely delighted by the idea of HomeKit support now being available through retroactive firmware updates without the need for additional HomeKit-compatible hardware. {/exp:char_limit} Source: Review: Wemo Mini Smart Plug with HomeKit support (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/reviews/entry/wemo-mini-smart-plug-with-homekit-support) |