Title: Best Nintendo Switch Controllers for Fortnite Post by: HCK on August 14, 2018, 04:05:19 pm Best Nintendo Switch Controllers for Fortnite
The JoyCons are less than ideal if you want to play Fortnite, but luckily, there are options. If you're familiar with Fortnite, then you know that the competition can be pretty stiff. With cross-play that covers nearly every platform in existence (I'm looking at you, Sony) it means that you have an incredibly broad group of players with whom you will battle for dominance. With a player base that large you have to take hold of every advantage and remove every disadvantage possible. Unfortunately for those of us using the Nintendo Switch, then you have almost certainly come to find that playing with your Joy-Cons can be less than ideal. Luckily, the Switch has a pretty broad ecosystem of peripherals that includes better control options. Recently the option to use motion controls was added to Fortnite. Some folks love it and some hate it. If you're planning on using motion controls, it's important to keep in mind that you're going to need a controller that supports it. If you want to... Source: Best Nintendo Switch Controllers for Fortnite (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/-5ghuD3vumA/best-nintendo-switch-controller-fortnite) |