Title: News: Apple releases seventh betas of iOS 12, tvOS 12 + watchOS 5 Post by: HCK on August 14, 2018, 04:05:22 pm News: Apple releases seventh betas of iOS 12, tvOS 12 + watchOS 5
<img src="(http://assets.ilounge.com/images/uploads/ios-12-beta-7.jpg)" /> Apple has released a seventh series of betas of iOS 12, tvOS 12, and watchOS 5 to registered developers. As with the last round, the newest betas come only a week after the last betas were released, with the increased frequency likely being due to the impending September release of iOS 12. iOS 12 beta 7 features a build number of 16A5354b, tvOS 12 beta 7 is build 16J5349a and watchOS 5 beta 7 is build 16R5349a, with the release notes for each documenting… Source: News: Apple releases seventh betas of iOS 12, tvOS 12 + watchOS 5 (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-releases-seventh-betas-of-ios-12-tvos-12-watchos-5) |