Title: New details about amiibo and Smash Bros. emerge from E3! Post by: HCK on November 08, 2018, 04:05:20 pm New details about amiibo and Smash Bros. emerge from E3!
Prepping your Super Smash Bros. amiibo? Here's where to start. November 7, 2018: New amiibo confirmed! Thanks to the most recent Nintendo direct we now know what we believe to be the final lineup of amiibo coming out for Super Smashed Bros. Ultimate. They will be released in waves so you're going to have to stay on top of things if you want to get them all. Here are all the forthcoming amiibo and when they will be available. December 7, 2018: Inkling Girl, Ridley, and Wolf February 15, 2019: Ice Climbers and King K. Rool Sometime in 2019: Isabel, Pichu, Ken, Young Link, and Daisy June 12, 2018: New details about amiibo and Smash Bros. emerge from E3! We got a lot of Smash Bros. information to chew on during the Nintendo presentation at E3 this year. They also managed to sneak in a quick bit about amiibo functionality! We received confirmation that all Smash Bros. series amiibo will work with Super Smash Bros. Unlimited. However, there was another even more interesting... Source: New details about amiibo and Smash Bros. emerge from E3! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/ToV00U8gt-I/every-amiibo-you-will-want-super-smash-bros-nintendo-switch) |