Title: This $40 DC Blu-ray collection includes five films Post by: HCK on December 16, 2018, 04:05:22 pm This $40 DC Blu-ray collection includes five films
A super deal. Amazon has the DC 5-Film Collection on Blu-ray available for $39.96. That saves you about $7 off the average price. It's a steal considering the DVD version of this set is only $5 less. This includes Blu-ray and Digital versions of Justice League, Wonder Woman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Man of Steel, and Suicide Squad. Of course, each movie also has its own special features to peruse. This would make an amazing gift for a DC fan you know and love. There's actually a larger sale happening on select DC hero movies which you may want to check out as well. See at Amazon... Source: This $40 DC Blu-ray collection includes five films (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/5UQIg2wQGkc/thrifter-deal-40-dc-blu-ray-collection-includes-wonder-woman-justice-league-more) |