Title: Bring the family together for the holidays with a board game on your iPad! Post by: HCK on December 24, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Bring the family together for the holidays with a board game on your iPad!
Whenever you have family and friends gathered around, it's usually for holidays, special occasions, or just for fun. And one of the best ways to pass the time together is to settle in with a good board game. But in this day and age, keeping track of game pieces and setting up physical board games can be a hassle! That's why we've rounded up some of the best board game experiences that you can enjoy on your iPhone or iPad, without any mess to clean up. Catan Universe Carcassone Exploding Kittens Tokaido Potion Explosion Tsuro - The Game of the Path Ticket to Ride Sushi Go Catan Universe Catan is a popular board game, and it's even available digitally on your iPhone and iPad. In Catan, you must race against others to settle on the island of Catan and become the Lord or Lady of the island first! It's a game of resources, and you'll want to own as much land and have as many materials as possible if you want to beat the others who are competing for the same title as you. Build your o... Source: Bring the family together for the holidays with a board game on your iPad! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/G6Ayv5JGwmA/best-board-game-apps-iphone-and-ipad) |