Title: Pokémon Go Ex-Raids: Attack Forme Deoxys Raids start today Post by: HCK on December 29, 2018, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon Go Ex-Raids: Attack Forme Deoxys Raids start today
Ex-Raids are getting a make-over and it all starts with the Mystical Gen-3 Pokémon Deoxys! Ex-Raids, or exclusive raids, are invitation-only encounters in Pokémon Go. At first, they offered players around the world the chance to battle and catch the Legendary Gen 1 Pokémon, Mewtwo. Now, the Mythical Gen 3 Pokémon, the multi-form Deoxys, is taking over. December 28, 2018: Attack Forme Deoxys Raids start today From early reports, Deoxys Attack is relatively easy to solo. Just have your bite + crunch Tyranitar (and Shadow Ball Mewtwo if you really need any more mons) ready. December 27, 2018: Ex-Raid invitations sent out for January 4 The second set of invitations for Deoxys Attack have just been sent out, this time for Ex-Raids on January 4. December 17, 2018: Deoxys is about to shift to Attack Forme starting December 20 After two long months, Pokémon Go is finally shifting to the next forme: Attack: The DNA Pokémon, ... Source: Pokémon Go Ex-Raids: Attack Forme Deoxys Raids start today (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/uUkdH0zWxrQ/pokemon-go-ex-raids) |