Title: Using an iPhone with Google Fi: Top things you need to know Post by: HCK on December 30, 2018, 04:05:26 pm Using an iPhone with Google Fi: Top things you need to know
Thinking about using Google Fi with your iPhone? Read this first. After years of being limited to select Android phones, Google Fi (formerly known as Project Fi) is now available for most unlocked Android phones and even iPhones. This is something we've been eagerly waiting for, but now that it's arrived, there are a few unexpected caveats you'll want to make sure you're aware of. If you have an iPhone and are thinking about trying Fi for yourself, here are a few things to keep in mind before joining. Have an Android phone that you want to bring to Google Fi? Check out this guide instead! See at Google Fi You'll need an iPhone 5S, 6, SE, or newer Before we go any further, the first thing we need to point out is that older iPhone models won't work at all on Google Fi. If you have something like an iPhone 4 or 5, you're out of luck. Thankfully, if your iPhone is at least relatively new(ish), you're in the clear. The full list of supported iPhones for Google Fi is as follows: iP... Source: Using an iPhone with Google Fi: Top things you need to know (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/8ZBnwZWXy5Y/using-iphone-google-fi-top-things-you-need-know) |