Title: Sphero launches Specdrums, a fun new musical experience for kids Post by: HCK on January 08, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Sphero launches Specdrums, a fun new musical experience for kids
Sphero's new Specdrums aim to engage children through the power of music. Sphero has just announced Specdrums at CES 2019. The Specdrums is a music-focused product for kids, which also incorporates the STEAM learning method. No matter if the kid is already artistically-inclined or just a beginner, the Specdrums will meet them at their skill level when it comes to moving and tapping to create rhythm and sound. The product encourages kids to improve their critical reasoning, language, and motor skills through the art of music. It's also great for discovering an artistic form of coding using just their imagination. "Sphero recognizes Specdrums as an opportunity to engage kids at the intersection of arts, math, science, and technology, building a parallel framework between coding and music composition," said Paul Berberian, CEO of Sphero. "By seeing the world around them as a canvas, kids are able to use Specdrums to create their own songs using coding, which is really exciting for... Source: Sphero launches Specdrums, a fun new musical experience for kids (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/XCiowr9Q5TY/sphero-launches-specdrums-fun-new-musical-experience-kids) |