Title: Pad & Quill Bella Fino iPhone Wallet Case: Gorgeous but flawed Post by: HCK on January 22, 2019, 04:05:18 pm Pad & Quill Bella Fino iPhone Wallet Case: Gorgeous but flawed
If you can look past some minor flaws, this leather wallet case stands out from the crowd. Pad & Quill is known for high-quality, attractive leather accessories of all kinds. There is no question about the class and beauty of this wallet case. However, I have a couple of small quibbles with this case which may or may not matter to potential users. Pad & Quill Bella Fino iPhone Wallet Case Price: $90 Bottom line: Pad & Quill's elegant Bella Fino Wallet Case is a stylish leather case with some minor flaws. See at Pad & Quill The Good Full-grain American leather Interior protective snap-on case Holds five cards plus cash Luxurious look and feel Several interior and exterior color choices Professional-looking The Bad Pricey Does not lie flat when closed Luxurious leather wallet iPhone case Pad & Quill Bella Fi... Source: Pad & Quill Bella Fino iPhone Wallet Case: Gorgeous but flawed (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/iSYaM8WGbdw/pad-quill-bella-fino-iphone-case-review-gorgeous-flawed) |