Title: Parental Controls: The Ultimate Guide Post by: HCK on January 25, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Parental Controls: The Ultimate Guide
How do you restrict what your kids can do and use on iPhone and iPad? With parental controls! Parental Controls, also known as Restrictions, allow you to set what your children can and can't access on an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. With Parental Controls, you can lock out Safari, Camera, FaceTime, Siri, AirDrop, CarPlay, the iTunes, iBooks, Podcasts, or App Stores (including in-app purchases), as well as content by age rating, and the ability to make changes to accounts and other app settings. In other words, they're a way to block your child's access to anything and everything you deem inappropriate for them based on their age and sensitivity, and your own best judgment. And they're part of what makes Apple devices an ideal computing platform for kids! How to set up parental controls with restrictions for iPhone or iPad How to restrict Safari, Camera, FaceTime, Siri, and more with parental controls How to restrict iTunes, iBooks, Apple Music, and App Store with parental controls Ho... Source: Parental Controls: The Ultimate Guide (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/TXEmQhxTghY/restrictions) |