Title: Microsoft Edge for iOS can now instantly translate websites Post by: HCK on March 05, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Microsoft Edge for iOS can now instantly translate websites
C'est magnifique! Microsoft Edge for iPhone and iPad is ready to take on websites written in languages other than your native tongue with its latest update. Rolling out now, the update brings instant page translation into the fold, along with the usual smattering of bug fixes and performance improvements. Here's a quick look at the full release notes: Thanks for using Microsoft Edge! Instant web page translation is available with this update. This release also includes general bug fixes and performance improvements. The translation feature, which relies on Microsoft's relatively robust translation tech, is pretty straightforward. After installing the update, it will be turned on by default in settings, but you can toggle it off at any time. While toggled on, any time you visit a website in another language, you'll see a pop-up at the bottom of the screen that asks you if you'd like to translate the page to your native tongue. Once you'd agreed, you'll then receive the option... Source: Microsoft Edge for iOS can now instantly translate websites (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/o3OCjyqceJw/microsoft-edge-ios-can-now-instantly-translate-websites) |