Title: Apple TV subscribers could bounce to 100 Million if Apple buy Netflix or others ‘Transformative’ content creators Post by: HCK on March 13, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Apple TV subscribers could bounce to 100 Million if Apple buy Netflix or others ‘Transformative’ content creators
<img width="1280" height="853" src="(http://[img]http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix.jpg)[/img]" class="attachment-full size-full wp-post-image" alt="Apple TV and Netflix" style="float:left; margin:0 15px 15px 0;" srcset="(http://[img]http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix.jpg)[/img] 1280w, (http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix-300x200.jpg) 300w, (http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix-768x512.jpg) 768w, (http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix-1024x682.jpg) 1024w, (http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix-750x500.jpg) 750w, (http://www.ilounge.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Apple-TV-Netflix-1140x760.jpg) 1140w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" />If a market analysis firm is correct, Apple’s streaming TV service will be a very powerful force on the market. The service being developed by the Tech Giant Apple could attract far more subscribers in a few years than some of its established rivals. While Apple has remained silent about their ambitions in this area, Source: Apple TV subscribers could bounce to 100 Million if Apple buy Netflix or others ‘Transformative’ content creators (http://www.ilounge.com/news/apple-tv-subscribers-could-bounce-100-million-apple-buys-netflix) |