Title: American Ninja Warrior is headed to Nintendo Switch — here are the details! Post by: HCK on March 21, 2019, 04:05:20 pm American Ninja Warrior is headed to Nintendo Switch — here are the details!
Are you the next American Ninja Warrior? American Ninja Warrior (ANW) is a spin-off based on a Japanese TV show called Sasuke. Athletes from all over the United States compete to see who will be the American Ninja Warrior for each season. They do this by competing in a series of obstacle courses across America before taking on the National Finals on the Las Vegas Strip. Now, this ultimate sports competition is coming soon to your Nintendo Switch! On March 31 you can virtually climb the Warped Wall, scale up the Salmon Ladder, and swing your way across the course to see if you have what it takes to be the next American Ninja Warrior! Pre-order at Amazon Gameplay for American Ninja Warrior: Challenge The most exciting part of ANW are the courses the athletes compete on. Not only will you be able to compete on the courses yourself during a solo career mode, but you can also create your own courses to challenge your friends and family with! There will be multiplayer and online l... Source: American Ninja Warrior is headed to Nintendo Switch — here are the details! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/VO9bcoWmOb8/american-ninja-warrior-challenge-nintendo-switch) |