Title: Nomad's Rugged Tri-Folio case is luxe for your iPhone and your wallet Post by: HCK on April 07, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Nomad's Rugged Tri-Folio case is luxe for your iPhone and your wallet
With six slots for cards or cash, you may be able to ditch the wallet for good. There are plenty of wallet cases on the market, but the Nomad Rugged Tri-Folio iPhone wallet case holds more than most without being terribly bulky. It's still bulkier than the cases that hold one or two cards, but it's a nice compromise for someone who just needs to carry a handful of cards and cash. Its unusual three-fold design makes more room for the important things you need to carry. Nomad Rugged Tri-Folio Price: $80 Bottom line: This triple-folding wallet folio-style case holds your phone and up to six cards securely. See at Nomad The Good Six slots (four card; two cash) Rugged, protective case American vegetable-tanned Horween leather Elegant style Wireless charging compatible The Bad Pricey May be overkill Two products in one N... Source: Nomad's Rugged Tri-Folio case is luxe for your iPhone and your wallet (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/f5fI7DNT5uw/nomad-rugged-tri-folio-iphone-case-review) |