Title: The new Bowers & Wilkins Formation Suite introduces multi-room home audio Post by: HCK on April 24, 2019, 04:05:21 pm The new Bowers & Wilkins Formation Suite introduces multi-room home audio
The ultimate home audio experience. Bowers & Wilkins has announced the new Formation Suite wireless audio system, a group of five new devices that can create a whole new home audio experience. The devices all use wireless technology to connect to each other even throughout multiple rooms of your house, similar to how the Sonos system works. Bowers & Wilkins promises a streamlined user interface that makes all these devices super easy to setup. Plus, they are all compatible with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Apple AirPlay 2. The Formation products use a mesh network to communicate that can span your entire home without interfering with your original network's quality. This allows for seamless sound and synchronization between the speakers. They will all work in harmony with less than one microsecond of difference between them, and you'll be able to stream high-resolution 24-bit audio and 96 kHz sample rates. That's higher than Sonos. The five pieces in this new Suite are not inexpe... Source: The new Bowers & Wilkins Formation Suite introduces multi-room home audio (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/870TqvFfQDI/bowers-wilkins-introduces-new-formation-suite-multi-room-home-audio) |