Title: Meet Luise Vindah Andersenl, founder of Green Kitchen Stories Post by: HCK on April 26, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Meet Luise Vindah Andersenl, founder of Green Kitchen Stories
Tech and noms may not seem like they mesh, but like chocolate and peanut butter, they're compatible in every way. Green Kitchen Stories is a delicious looking food blog all about living a healthier life through a plant-based diet. It's so much more than a recipes website. It's a place where you can find out about the joys of healthy eating, the beauty of colorful food, and the interesting lives that Luise and David and their three adorable kids lead. Their foodie adventures are everything you want to have for yourself. After seeing success in the Green Kitchen Stories blog, the duo decided to curate some of their favorite recipes into an eye-catching app that makes you want to cook delicious meals just with the app icon. Once inside, your mouth begins to water as you browse through dozens of delectable vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free dishes. $3.99 - Download now Luise Vindahl Andersen is the chef half founder of Green Kitchen Stories (David is the design half) and a nutritiona... Source: Meet Luise Vindah Andersenl, founder of Green Kitchen Stories (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/s-XVsokb990/celebrating-women-tech-meet-luise-vindahl-founder-green-kitchen-stories) |