Title: Use these tips to get great audio while filming on your iPhone Post by: HCK on May 12, 2019, 04:05:21 pm Use these tips to get great audio while filming on your iPhone
It's easy to take and edit quick videos on the iPhone, but getting great audio isn't always as simple as pointing and shooting. Whether you have an iPhone 7, an iPhone X, or a fancy new iPhone XS: the iPhone microphone isn't too shabby at close distances, but when you're trying to film in a crowded room, it's not quite enough. Here are some tips to avoid tinny, awkward or terrible sound when shooting iPhone video! Best Overall: Blue Spark Microphone If you're someone who wants the feel of a professional mic without whipping out your DSLR, this mic is for you. The Blue Spark Microphone is a portable, highly-rated little piece of gear that makes recording on the go effortless. Simply set up the microphone on a flat surface, plug it into your iPhone, and start your recording in just a couple of seconds: it's just that easy. Pros: Durable Portable Affordable Cons: Bulky Not as convenient Best Overall Blue Spark Microphone $99 from Amazon Keep your recordings crying clear and so... Source: Use these tips to get great audio while filming on your iPhone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/mbK6P9O0hL0/how-get-good-audio-while-shooting-video-your-iphone) |