Title: This minimalist cork iPhone case from 15:21 is a rare vintage Post by: HCK on May 28, 2019, 04:05:20 pm This minimalist cork iPhone case from 15:21 is a rare vintage
Made from recycled cork, this isn't your ordinary case. This iPhone case from Swedish manufacturer 15:21 is an ultra-slim, lightweight, minimalist case made from recycled cork caps. It has a totally different look from your typical plastic, TPU, wood, or leather cases. 15:21 Cork iPhone Case Price: From $42 Bottom line: 15:21 Cork iPhone Case is a minimal iPhone case made from recycled cork caps. See at Amazon See at 15:21 The Good Ultra-slim Extremely lightweight Made from recycled cork caps Flame-retardant Scratch-resistant Four-year warranty The Bad Not extremely protective Expensive for a minimalist case Barely there case 15:21 Cork iPhone Case: Features The 15:21 Cork iPhone Case has a minimalist design. It's made in Sweden from recycled cork caps. Cork is scratch-resistant, flame-retardant, durable, and hypo-allergenic.... Source: This minimalist cork iPhone case from 15:21 is a rare vintage (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/A4sLTKqM9UY/1521-cork-iphone-case-review) |