Title: Little Friends: Dogs & Cats for Nintendo Switch - What you need to know Post by: HCK on June 01, 2019, 04:05:21 pm Little Friends: Dogs & Cats for Nintendo Switch - What you need to know
Little Friends: Dogs & Cats lets you take care of a number of cats and dogs, from cuddles to playtime to training If you love and miss the Nintendogs + Cats series, Little Friends Dogs & Cats is a natural choice to turn to for your virtual pet needs. Though the game can't make use of microphone and touch controls in quite the same way Nintendogs did by virtue of being on the Switch instead of the 3DS, it's still a good chance to enjoy some adorable puppies in a virtual home, and pet some cute kitties without having to clean the litter box. Dogs or cats? Little Friends: Dogs & Cats $50 at Amazon Adopt a new, virtual, furry friend Little Friends: Dogs & Cats is much of the fun of having a pet all your own, but lets you skip a lot of the hard work of owning a real one. You can pet, play with, train dress up, snuggle with, and raise a dog or a cat of your choice, or don't settle for just one and have up to twelve. What can you do in Little Friends: Dogs & Cat... Source: Little Friends: Dogs & Cats for Nintendo Switch - What you need to know (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/gTM_O4yx_FM/little-friends-dogs-cats-nintendo-switch-everything-you-need-know) |