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Macintosh News => iPhone/iPod/iPad News => Topic started by: HCK on June 06, 2019, 04:05:21 pm

Title: What does the Dynamax fighting style entail in Pokémon Sword and Shield?
Post by: HCK on June 06, 2019, 04:05:21 pm
What does the Dynamax fighting style entail in Pokémon Sword and Shield?

Best Answer: It's a new battle style that allows your Pokémon to become huge and use more powerful attacks for three turns.

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How does Dynamax work?

You can make one of your Pokémon giant once each battle. Dynamax only lasts for three turns, so you'll need to use this feature strategically when taking on difficult opponents, like gym leaders. When Dynamaxing, all your Pokémon's moves become more powerful. The gyms in Sword and Shield are built like huge sports stadiums to accommodate these large Pokémon battles and, according to the presentation, the fans in the stands will react to your tactics. You trigger Dynamax from the same screen as your moves list.

In the Nintendo Direct presentation Pokémon Sword and Shield's planning director, Kazumasa Iwao, said t...

Source: What does the Dynamax fighting style entail in Pokémon Sword and Shield? (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/3bhfxnUldlo/what-dynamax-pokemon-sword-and-shield)